Hindi News E-paper

by RisingSuperApps


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Read your favorite Hindi epaper daily online.- All Hindi news epapers at your finger Touch.
- Here We can Read all Hindi newspapers from one app.
- Hindi news ePapers app is your single Way access to all your news from major Hindi NewsPapers.
Following News Paper are available in this app:
*** Amar Ujala paper
*** Dainik Jagran paper
*** Hindustan newspaper
*** Navbharat times newspaper
*** Lokmat
*** Jansatta
*** Punjab Kesari
*** Dainik Bhaskar
*** SandhyaPrakash
*** Deshbandhu
*** Haribhoomi
*** Deshdoot
*** Pratahkal
*** NaiDunia
*** Rajasthan Patrika
Tips : Try to use 3G/4G/WIFI data to get quick access of newspapers.
Disclaimer: The Hindi news content displayed are collected directly from the newspaper website. This app helps the users with a collection of all newspapers in one place.This app is in no way affiliated to any particular newspaper company.